VoicemailSaver (Save your voicemails forever!) для Андроид - Скачать APK

VoicemailSaver (Save your voicemails forever!) Описание
Do you have a personal or business voicemail that you need to save but your carrier’s system keeps asking you to delete voicemails to make room for others?
If so, we have created the Voicemail Saver to work with your Android's Visual Voicemail so that you can save those voicemails that you do not want deleted.
The VoicemailSaver is free for the first 3 days and can be canceled at any time but after the 3 free trial days, for just $3.99 per year, you are able to save AS MANY voicemails as you like!!! If you lose your phone or upgrade to a new one, just download the VoicemailSaver to your new or updated phone, sign in with your email address and your password and voila! Your voicemails will all be there!
1. Download the VoicemailSaver app, and click Create and account.
2. After creating your account, sign in.
3. Go to your Visual Voicemail and choose the voice mail message that you would like to save and press on it. A window will pop up. Choose "forward" or "share" and click on the Voicemail Saver icon (the orange lifesaver) to save your voice mail. Name and date your voicemail and click "OK". Now go to the VoicemailSaver and play your message. It's that easy.
If your voicemail does not support the share or forward feature, don’t worry just call or text us at 305 992 5783 and we will walk you from there.
Invite all of your friends from your social media accounts using our "Invite" feature. They will thank you for the invite.
Please email, call or text us if you have any questions.
[email protected]
The VoicemailSaver is Patent Pending.
If so, we have created the Voicemail Saver to work with your Android's Visual Voicemail so that you can save those voicemails that you do not want deleted.
The VoicemailSaver is free for the first 3 days and can be canceled at any time but after the 3 free trial days, for just $3.99 per year, you are able to save AS MANY voicemails as you like!!! If you lose your phone or upgrade to a new one, just download the VoicemailSaver to your new or updated phone, sign in with your email address and your password and voila! Your voicemails will all be there!
1. Download the VoicemailSaver app, and click Create and account.
2. After creating your account, sign in.
3. Go to your Visual Voicemail and choose the voice mail message that you would like to save and press on it. A window will pop up. Choose "forward" or "share" and click on the Voicemail Saver icon (the orange lifesaver) to save your voice mail. Name and date your voicemail and click "OK". Now go to the VoicemailSaver and play your message. It's that easy.
If your voicemail does not support the share or forward feature, don’t worry just call or text us at 305 992 5783 and we will walk you from there.
Invite all of your friends from your social media accounts using our "Invite" feature. They will thank you for the invite.
Please email, call or text us if you have any questions.
[email protected]
The VoicemailSaver is Patent Pending.
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