Shiny - video & voice chat для Андроид - Скачать APK

Shiny - video & voice chat Описание
If you want to make more friends and don't know how to do it, come to Shiny!
Your good friends are waiting for you here~
How to make friends here:
1. Upload a real avatar, let people remember you at a glance
2. Fill in as much of your personal information as possible to let people know you better
3. Chat with new friends enthusiastically, they will give you feedback with the same enthusiasm
4. Find the stranger closest to you, maybe you can become good friends
5. If you want to meet new friends closer, try video or voice chat
Hope Shiny can help you find more good friends ^_^~!
Your good friends are waiting for you here~
How to make friends here:
1. Upload a real avatar, let people remember you at a glance
2. Fill in as much of your personal information as possible to let people know you better
3. Chat with new friends enthusiastically, they will give you feedback with the same enthusiasm
4. Find the stranger closest to you, maybe you can become good friends
5. If you want to meet new friends closer, try video or voice chat
Hope Shiny can help you find more good friends ^_^~!
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